Table of Contents

Basic concepts

This section is made for you to understand what is ConsoleAppVisuals, its purpose and use flow. We will also guide you into the creation of your first project until the advanced use of the library with data visualization and menus management.

What is ConsoleAppVisuals?

The ambition of ConsoleAppVisuals is to provide the best compromise between an easy-to-use library and a complex tool to create console applications with visual elements. The library is designed to be simple to use and to provide a wide range of visual elements to make your console application more stylish and useful.

Working principle

It is relies on the concept of "visuals" which are elements that can be displayed in the console. There are two types of visuals:

  • Passive visuals: elements that do not provide any interaction, you may display several from the same type at the same time
  • Interactive visuals: elements that provide an explicit interaction and create a response that can be collected, you may display only one at a time
  • Animated visuals: in-between passive and interactive visuals, they provide an interaction to stop them but do not require a response, you may display only one at a time.

These visuals are stored in Window as a list. From this class, you can display, add, remove, or update the visuals. Each one of the visual element has its rendering method that will be called from the Window class.

The basics of the interaction between the library and the console are defined in the Core class.

flowchart LR
    A[Visual elements] -->|Stored in| B[Element List]
    B -->|From| D[Window Class]
    D -->|Rendered using| E[Core Class]
    E -->|Displayed on| F[Console]

Use flow

When you want to create an element and display it, here is the basic visualization of the use flow of the library:

    participant User
    participant Element
    participant Window
    User->>Element: Creates an Element
    User->>Window: Adds the Element to the Window
    User->>Window: Tells the Window to Render the Element
    Window->>Element: Calls the Element's Render Function

In C# terms, the use flow can be interpreted like this:

  1. Creating an element:
Title exampleTitle = new Title("Hello world!");
  1. Adding it to the Window:
  1. Rendering the element:

First steps

Now that you have the basic concepts, let's dive into this guided path to learn how to use the library:

  1. Create a simple console application
  2. Explore element options
  3. Discover data visualization
  4. Manage multiple menus

Have a question, give a feedback or found a bug? Feel free to open an issue or start a discussion on the GitHub repository.